Saturday, July 23, 2011

All Mobile All the Time

In Chapter 7 of the Mobile Learning document I found something to be very interesting and helpful. In the research done, Kukulska-Hulme and Pettit compiled a list of the most frequent activities performed on mobile devices. This list included the following: text messaging, browsing websites, listening to audio files, reading e-news, making notes, taking a photograph, and viewing a photograph/image. If we, as educators, can focus in on the activities that our students most use mobile devices for, we can show them how these same ventures can be used to learn. We can create a positive association with what we are trying to teach the students. Can they use their mobile device to take classroom notes? Can they take a photograph of items they see in their daily lives to be used as good or bad examples of a current design project? Can they access local and national news articles to understand current business and politics? Can they access different music from different genres to understand the psychology behind sounds, sights, and smells?

The fact of the matter is we have to meet our students in the middle. Go to them and what they are most interested in and make it a source of learning. Use their love for technology to your advantage!

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