Saturday, July 23, 2011

Send in the Clouds

There is always something new in technology. The hardest part is not necessarily learning each new opportunity, but rather always knowing what is coming up next. Cloud Computing is a newer wave that is starting to take over and hopefully is seeping into education. As quoted from a blog on cloud computing,
Also, think how convenient homework assignments will become. The students can work on the cloud, cooperate with team members and share knowledge, and be sure that they won’t leave behind their homework assignments when they go to school. Since they are on the cloud, they can access them anywhere, be it home or school.
'My dog ate my homework' is just not going to cut it anymore! We are able to hold student accountable for the work assigned to them and giving them an avenue to complete their work in a somewhat easier fashion.

Cloud computing does not only benefit students but also faculty. Cloud computing can make the interworking of a school or even college work more efficiently and allow for sharing across state initiatives and across school districts.

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