Thursday, July 14, 2011

OLPC. for better or for worse?

One-to-one computing is ALL the rage. My district specifically has decided to distribute an iPad to every high school student and teacher within the district to reach one-to-one computing goals set a few years ago. Many schools and districts are now also distributing laptops as an educational tool to students in lieu of textbooks, pencils, paper, and other 'traditional' resources. The Once Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is a great organization who's goal is to provide children in some of the poorest and most remote areas in the world with a laptop for educational use. Enabling these children, especially at such an early age, to have access to some type of mobile learning is very beneficial for the future of each of these individuals, but there are drawbacks. Is this US based company simply enabling those who previously were without mobile access? Or is there some hope to encourage the 'American Way of Life' and American philosophies of capitalism to other areas across the globe? Are we really focused on helping these children, or simply hoping to teach them to be like us?

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